About IDF

Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH is a mar­ket lea­der in the re­al es­ta­te and fa­ci­li­ty ma­nage­ment in­dus­try across Eu­ro­pe. From its head­quar­ters in Be­rin, IDF spe­cia­li­zes in the ac­qui­si­ti­on and full-ser­vice ma­nage­ment of re­si­den­ti­al and com­mer­ci­al pro­per­ties and fa­ci­li­ties, as well as the de­ve­lop­ment of lar­ge-sca­le re­al es­ta­te pro­jects. IDF has de­ve­l­o­ped an ex­cel­lent re­pu­ta­ti­on for its di­ver­se and tho­rough know­ledge ba­se, strong ex­per­ti­se, re­lia­ble part­ners and out­stan­ding cli­ent re­la­ti­ons.
The ma­nage­ment team at Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH brings 20 ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence and skill to IDF in the ma­nage­ment, con­struc­tion, buil­ding ma­nage­ment, fa­ci­li­ty ma­nage­ment, re­no­va­ti­on, mar­ke­ting and pro­per­ty ac­qui­si­ti­on fiel­ds. En­tre­pre­neurship is ali­ve and well at IDF, and our em­ployees and part­ners sha­re our co­re com­pa­ny va­lues: re­lia­bi­li­ty, qua­li­ty, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and en­thu­si­asm.