Cer­ti­fied Tech­ni­cal Main­ten­an­ce

As the na­me sug­gests, tech­ni­cal main­ten­an­ce of com­plex fit­tings in com­mer­ci­al and re­si­den­ti­al pro­per­ties re­qui­res a high­ly-spe­ci­fic skill set, the right cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on to per­form the work, and ex­cep­tio­nal or­ga­niza­t­io­nal ca­pa­bi­li­ties. The tech­ni­ci­ans at Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH pos­sess the ne­cessa­ry skills, cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons to per­form all tech­ni­cal work, thus ne­ga­ting the need for cost­ly out­sour­cing to ex­ter­nal contrac­tors. In the ca­se of ser­vice dis­rup­ti­ons, we re­act quick­ly, de­ploy­ing tra­de­speop­le wi­thout de­lay. We are al­so qua­li­fied and cer­ti­fied to per­form all man­ner of main­ten­an­ce, re­pair, in­spec­tion and up­keep of ele­va­tors, esca­la­tors, and hea­ting and coo­ling sys­tems of all si­zes, in ac­cor­dance with Ger­man laws and cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on stan­dards and re­gard­less of the ma­nu­fac­tu­rer.
We are well-ver­sed in DIN and Vd­MA stan­dards and en­su­re 100% com­p­li­an­ce and re­lia­ble per­for­mance qua­li­ty. Plan­ning and main­ten­an­ce pro­ces­ses are car­ri­ed out with mo­dern and com­p­li­ant soft­ware sys­tems. Our tech­ni­cal sup­port and main­ten­an­ce ser­vices are avail­able to you 24/7, in­clu­ding all weekends and pu­blic ho­li­days. At every turn, we keep an eye on the cost-ef­fi­ci­en­cy of your ope­ra­tio­nal pro­ces­ses, sug­gesting ad­just­ments that will sa­ve your or­ga­niza­t­i­on ti­me and mo­ney. We al­so liai­se with main­ten­an­ce com­pa­nies on your be­half, se­cu­ring ex­pert­ly-ne­go­tia­ted contracts that con­tain op­ti­mal pri­ces and con­di­ti­ons for your or­ga­niza­t­i­on.