Re­si­den­ti­al Clea­ning So­lu­ti­ons

In lar­ge-sca­le re­si­den­ti­al fa­ci­li­ties, hund­reds and/or thousands of ten­ants re­ly on fast and ef­fi­ci­ent grounds main­ten­an­ce and tho­rough clea­ning ser­vices on a dai­ly ba­sis.  Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land GmbH de­ploys qua­li­fied and cer­ti­fied clea­ning and main­ten­an­ce per­son­nel to com­ple­te all the ne­cessa­ry work on re­si­den­ti­al pro­per­ties. A smooth­ly ope­ra­ting re­si­den­ti­al fa­ci­li­ty me­ans hig­her re­turns on in­vest­ment and im­pro­ved qua­li­ty of life for ten­ants.Our re­si­den­ti­al clea­ning ser­vices in­clu­de:
  • In­te­ri­or clea­ning
  • Ex­te­ri­or clea­ning
  • Ca­re­ta­king ser­vices
  • Ser­vicing and main­ten­an­ce of electri­cal units, hea­ting and coo­ling sys­tems and ele­va­tors
  • Was­te dis­po­sal
  • Sa­ni­ta­ti­on
IDF uses up-to-date clea­ning pro­ducts and sound working me­thods to en­su­re en­vi­ron­men­tal and safe­ty com­p­li­an­ce. We mo­ni­tor your or­ga­niza­t­i­on’s exis­ting work pro­ces­ses and would be hap­py to ana­ly­ze and iden­ti­fy the po­ten­ti­al for im­pro­ve­ments in pro­duc­tivi­ty and cost-ef­fec­tiven­ess.