Com­mer­ci­al Clea­ning: In­te­ri­or

Ef­fi­ci­ent com­mer­ci­al clea­ning ser­vices re­qui­re a high le­vel of skill, or­ga­niza­t­i­on and in­itia­ti­ve. Our of­fice and com­mer­ci­al in­te­ri­or clea­ning ser­vices are car­ri­ed out by qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists that un­der­stand mo­dern clea­ning pro­ducts and en­vi­ron­men­tal con­cerns. Opt for a com­pre­hen­si­ve com­mer­ci­al clea­ning pa­cka­ge or select spe­ci­fic ser­vices, in­clu­ding
  • De­ep clea­ning
  • Glass main­ten­an­ce
  • Com­pu­ter clea­ning
  • Re­mo­val of was­te
  • Ge­ne­ral main­ten­an­ce
  • Floor, par­quet and car­pet ca­re
  • Sto­ne sur­face crys­tal­liza­t­i­on
  • Sea­ling
  • Other spe­cia­li­zed clea­ning ser­vices
The pro­ducts and ma­chine­ry we use at IDF to car­ry out your com­mer­ci­al clea­ning are safe, com­p­li­ant and sta­te-of-the-art, de­si­gned to in­crea­se pro­duc­tivi­ty, pro­mo­te sustaina­bi­li­ty and sa­ve mo­ney. The­se in­clu­de ther­mal­ly-trea­ted fi­bers for ti­ling ap­p­li­ca­ti­on, mi­cro­fi­ber ma­te­ri­als, bio­de­gra­dable pro­ducts, ad­jus­ta­ble ma­chine­ry and ac­cu­ra­te do­sa­ge sys­tems.