In­dus­try-Spe­ci­fic Full­Ser­vice So­lu­ti­ons

Lar­ge and com­plex fa­ci­li­ties and or­ga­niza­t­i­ons re­qui­re high­ly-spe­cia­li­zed sup­port. You be­ne­fit from a ser­vice pro­vi­der that un­der­stands your sec­tor. When de­ve­lo­ping com­pre­hen­si­ve fa­ci­li­ty ma­nage­ment con­cepts and pro­vi­ding in­te­gra­ted ser­vices, Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH is com­mit­ted to ap­p­ly­ing a high le­vel of skill and know­ledge to the pro­cess. For this re­a­son, we ha­ve de­di­ca­ted per­son­nel avail­able with a tho­rough fa­mi­li­a­ri­ty with pro­ce­du­res and stan­dards in the fol­lo­wing sec­tors:
  • Re­tail
  • Hos­pi­ta­li­ty
  • Food pro­ces­sing
  • Health­ca­re and long-term ca­re fa­ci­li­ties
  • Phar­ma­cy
  • Lo­gis­tics
  • Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on
  • Edu­ca­ti­on and cul­tu­re
IDF is well-ver­sed in the in­tri­ca­cies, qua­li­ty stan­dards and con­trol mea­su­res re­qui­red wi­t­hin the­se high­ly com­plex sec­tors. We work clo­se­ly with per­son­nel in your fa­ci­li­ty to en­su­re we ha­ve a so­lid grasp on your dai­ly ope­ra­ti­ons and re­qui­re­ments. Then, we de­ve­lop tailo­red con­cepts and in­te­gra­te ser­vices, with pro­cess op­ti­miza­t­i­on and cost-ef­fi­ci­en­cy at the for­e­front.