Re­si­den­ti­al Pro­per­ty Ma­nage­ment

When working with Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH, re­si­den­ti­al pro­per­ty ow­ners ha­ve co­me to ex­pect tho­rough and know­led­ge­able ad­vice, out­stan­ding ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on and high per­for­mance in all are­as of buil­ding main­ten­an­ce. Whe­ther you own one pro­per­ty or a com­plex re­si­den­ti­al port­fo­lio, IDF would be hap­py to crea­te a tailo­red ma­nage­ment con­cept for you, in­clu­ding so­me or all of the fol­lo­wing:
  • Let­ting
  • Ac­count su­per­vi­si­on
  • Pro­per­ty main­ten­an­ce
  • Le­gal sup­port
  • In­vest­ment con­sul­ting
  • Call cen­ter ope­ra­ti­on and debt collec­tion
All ma­nage­ment ser­vices per­for­med by IDF ad­he­re to and in ma­ny ca­ses ex­ceed the qua­li­ty gui­de­li­nes set out in the Re­si­den­ti­al Pro­per­ty Act.