Ser­vice Cost Op­ti­miza­t­i­on and Bench­mar­king

Fa­ci­li­ties, of­fices and re­tail spaces re­qui­re a lar­ge vo­lu­me of mul­ti­ple spe­cia­li­zed ser­vices to ope­ra­te un­in­ter­rup­ted. As a re­sult, ser­vice and main­ten­an­ce costs can be­co­me com­plex quick­ly, re­qui­ring a high le­vel of skill to ad­mi­nis­tra­te, al­lo­ca­te and mo­ni­tor.
Fin­ding sui­ta­ble ser­vice pri­cing on such a com­plex sca­le is cru­ci­al for on­go­ing pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty, but can be dif­fi­cult to de­ter­mi­ne wi­thout spe­cia­li­zed know­ledge. The team at Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH:
  • Ana­ly­ze your ope­ra­tio­nal costs in de­tail
  • Iden­ti­fy hi­d­den cost-dri­vers
  • Bench­mark and pro­vi­de cost-sa­ving re­com­men­da­ti­ons
  • Im­ple­ment and im­pro­ve your cur­rent pro­ces­ses
Ma­ny com­plex work me­thods can be sim­pli­fied with as­sis­tan­ce from IDF, whi­le ke­eping safe­ty and com­p­li­an­ce con­cerns at the for­e­front throughout the pro­cess. You’ll ha­ve ac­cess to de­tai­led re­porting so that you can mo­ni­tor and ad­just the po­si­ti­ve chan­ges to your costs and le­vel of ef­fi­ci­en­cy.