Call Cen­ter Ope­ra­ti­ons

Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH ope­ra­tes a call cen­ter as part of its pro­per­ty ma­nage­ment ser­vice pa­cka­ge that is man­ned 24/7, even on weekends and pu­blic ho­li­days. Our skil­led and ca­pa­ble per­son­nel hand­le in­co­m­ing and out­go­ing calls, pro­cess ten­ant com­plaints, co-or­di­na­te re­pairs and main­ten­an­ce work and pro­cess other re­quests. We pro­cess ti­ckets wi­t­hin 48 hours and of­fer re­pair and main­ten­an­ce work wi­t­hin two weeks of the in­iti­al point of con­tact. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, IDF pro­vi­des de­tai­led re­porting to cli­ents on a weekly or month­ly ba­sis. Our mo­dern and con­ve­ni­ent ti­cke­ting sys­tem gi­ves your or­ga­niza­t­i­on in­stant on­line ac­cess to in­for­ma­ti­on re­gar­ding the sta­tus of your ti­ckets from the first con­tact through to com­ple­ti­on. De­tai­led re­porting pro­vi­des you with com­ple­te trans­pa­ren­cy and is par­ti­cu­lar­ly use­ful for iden­ti­fy­ing re­cur­ring is­su­es and im­pro­ving cust­o­m­er re­la­ti­ons, even for com­plex or­ga­niza­t­i­ons with high call vo­lu­mes.