Pro­cess Op­ti­miza­t­i­on

The va­lue of a pro­per­ty is in­flu­en­ced si­gni­fi­cant­ly by its ma­nage­ment and main­ten­an­ce, and pro­fes­sio­nal ma­nage­ment is a must for for­ward-thin­king ow­ners and oc­cu­p­iers. At Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH, we ha­ve one goal: to pre­ser­ve and im­pro­ve the long-term va­lue of a fa­ci­li­ty through ef­fi­ci­ent ma­nage­ment of high­ly-com­plex pro­ces­ses.
When as­ses­sing a com­pa­ny’s fa­ci­li­ty ma­nage­ment re­qui­re­ments, Im­mo­bi­li­en Deutsch­land Fa­ci­li­ty GmbH ana­ly­zes up-to-date in­for­ma­ti­on re­gar­ding all fa­ci­li­ties wi­t­hin the com­mer­ci­al re­al es­ta­te port­fo­lio and all tech­ni­cal equip­ment and hu­man re­sour­ces at your dis­po­sal. We ana­ly­ze exis­ting contracts with ser­vice pro­vi­ders as well as main­ten­an­ce. We ex­ami­ne your work pro­ces­ses clo­se­ly and iden­ti­fy the po­ten­ti­al for sim­pli­fi­ca­ti­ons, syn­er­gies and si­gni­fi­cant im­pro­ve­ments. We then re­de­ve­lop con­cepts and plans, bench­mark, ne­go­tia­te new ser­vice agree­ments, and pro­vi­de de­tai­led re­porting me­cha­nis­ms.